Key Performance Indicators: Metrics to Measure

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A collection of financial charts and graphs, displaying various performance metrics and trends

Dan WeissHave you determined the key performance indicators that indicate success or failure in your organization?

It’s different for every organization. It may be “make more profit,” “retire debt,” or “open more stores.” For a nonprofit, it may be to “serve more constituents.” We may even have multiple desired outcomes.

But how do we measure our progress? For many organizations, it’s not a formalized process. Instead, it is often “bad news” that causes managers to recognize their unfortunate circumstances. Often, it is an impending cash crunch that could have been avoided by paying attention to the right metrics all along.

Establishing Metrics

What are these metrics, and how often should we review them? It’s different for every business, but the metrics – your key performance indicators (KPIs) – must be relevant, simple, and timely.

1. Relevant. What are the things that matter in your organization?

In a sales organization, it’s easy to rationalize that only “closes” matter; therefore, the number of people we talk to is irrelevant. Yet, one leads to the other. If we don’t talk to enough potential customers, we’ll never achieve the closes we need. That’s why it makes sense to measure both pitches and closes.

2. Simple. Financial statements are not simple; they demand complex interpretive analysis. But you need straightforward feedback you can use to take action.

If you have a staff, you need information that means something to them. Financial statements will only make their eyes glaze over. And it’s completely understandable if they do the same to you.

3. Timely. Your KPIs must be measured with a timeliness that allows you to respond immediately. Daily results are ideal, but weekly measurements may be sufficient.

Your Dashboard

Tying it all together. Once you’ve determined the KPIs for your organization, assemble them in an easy-to-understand “dashboard.” Your dashboard, like the one in your car, will give you the information you need to “drive” your organization.

Summary. If you’re relying only on your financial statements to tell the story of your business progress, you’re getting an incomplete picture. While your financial statements may provide an appropriate “report card” of your business results, their value is more as a historical record rather than a business tool. You need key performance indicators you can measure day to day to improve your business.


Dan Weiss, founder and President of Counterpart CFO, leads a team of flexible, part-time CFOs specializing in nonprofitsTo read more from Dan, follow him on LinkedIn or subscribe to his blog at

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